Linux命令 - lsof
1 | lsof [ -?abChlnNOPRtUvVX ] [ -A A ] [ -c c ] [ +c c ] [ +|-d d ] [ +|-D D ] [ +|-e s ] |
-? -h
: 显示帮助。
: 设置选择模式为AND模式。
-A A
This option is available on systems configured for AFS whose AFS kernel code is implemented via dynamic modules. It allows
the lsof user to specify A as an alternate name list file where the kernel addresses of the dynamic modules might be found.
See the lsof FAQ (The FAQ section gives its location.) for more information about dynamic modules, their symbols, and how they affect lsof.
: 该选项避免可能阻塞的内核函数 - lstat(2), readlink(2), and stat(2).
-c c
: 选择以c字符串开头的命令所执行进程的文件。可以指定多个-c选项。它们在指定AND选项前以OR模式设置。
- b: 基本正则表达式
- i: 忽略大小写
- x: 扩展正则表达式(默认)
选项,会产生‘‘no command found for regex:’’消息提示。
+c w
: 显示命令名称的字符数,由UNIX dialect支持。默认是9。许多系统做了最大限制,Linux是15个字符。w为0时,打印最大限制字符数;w小于该列标题‘‘COMMAND’’的大小(7)时,会自动提升至该大小。
: 禁止内核命名缓存中的路径名称组件提供报告。参考 KERNEL NAME CACHE 部分。
+d s
: 只查找指定目录下进程打开的子目录和文件(不下溯查找)。+D D
或-x l
或-x f
-d s
: 该选项指定一系列排除或包含的输出文件描述符。文件描述符以逗号分隔,如’cwd,1,3’,’^6,^2’。其中不能有任何空格。
+D D
: 查找目录D下所有打开实例(下溯查找)。默认不下溯软链和挂载点。参考-x
-x l
,-x f
-D D
: 该选项与lsof处理设备缓存文件功能有关。参考 DEVICE CACHE FILE 部分。
- ? - 报告设备缓存文件路径
- b - 构建设备缓存文件
- i - 忽略设备缓存文件
- r - 读取设备缓存文件
- u - 读取并更新设备缓存文件
The b, r, and u functions, accompanied by a path name, are
sometimes restricted. When these functions are restricted,
they will not appear in the description of the -D option that
accompanies -h or -? option output. See the DEVICE CACHE
FILE section and the sections that follow it for more informa-
tion on these functions and when they’re restricted.
The ? function reports the read-only and write paths that
lsof can use for the device cache file, the names of any envi-
ronment variables whose values lsof will examine when forming
the device cache file path, and the format for the personal
device cache file path. (Escape the ‘?’ character as your
shell requires.)
When available, the b, r, and u functions may be followed by
the device cache file’s path. The standard default is
.lsof_hostname in the home directory of the real user ID that
executes lsof, but this could have been changed when lsof was
configured and compiled. (The output of the -h and -?
options show the current default prefix - e.g., ‘‘.lsof’’.)
The suffix, hostname, is the first component of the host’s
name returned by gethostname(2).
When available, the b function directs lsof to build a new
device cache file at the default or specified path.
The i function directs lsof to ignore the default device cache
file and obtain its information about devices via direct calls
to the kernel.
The r function directs lsof to read the device cache at the
default or specified path, but prevents it from creating a new
device cache file when none exists or the existing one is
improperly structured. The r function, when specified without
a path name, prevents lsof from updating an incorrect or out-
dated device cache file, or creating a new one in its place.
The r function is always available when it is specified with-
out a path name argument; it may be restricted by the permis-
sions of the lsof process.
When available, the u function directs lsof to read the device
cache file at the default or specified path, if possible, and
to rebuild it, if necessary. This is the default device cache
file function when no -D option has been specified.
+|-e s
: 剔除已提交到可能阻塞的内核函数调用的文件系统路径。+e
CAUTION: this option can easily be mis-applied to other than
the file system of interest, because it uses path name rather
than the more reliable device and inode numbers. (Device and
inode numbers are acquired via the potentially blocking
stat(2) kernel call and are thus not available, but see the
+|-m m option as a possible alternative way to supply device
Use this option with great care and fully specify the path
name of the file system to be exempted. Consider, for exam-
ple, that specifying ‘‘-e /’’ would exempt all file systems,
since all their paths begin with a ‘/’.
When open files on exempted file systems are reported, it is
not possible to obtain all their information. Therefore, some
information columns will be blank, the characters ‘‘UNKN’’
preface the values in the TYPE column, and the applicable
exemption option is added in parentheses to the end of the
NAME column. Some device number information might be made
available via the +|-m m option.
+|-f [cfgGn]
f by itself clarifies how path name arguments are to be inter-
preted. When followed by c, f, g, G, or n in any combination
it specifies that the listing of kernel file structure infor-
mation is to be enabled (‘+’) or inhibited (‘-’).
Normally a path name argument is taken to be a file system
name if it matches a mounted-on directory name reported by
mount(8), or if it represents a block device, named in the
mount output and associated with a mounted directory name.
When +f is specified, all path name arguments will be taken to
be file system names, and lsof will complain if any are not.
This can be useful, for example, when the file system name
(mounted-on device) isn’t a block device. This happens for
some CD-ROM file systems.
When -f is specified by itself, all path name arguments will
be taken to be simple files. Thus, for example, the ‘‘-f --
/’’ arguments direct lsof to search for open files with a ‘/’
path name, not all open files in the ‘/’ (root) file system.
Be careful to make sure +f and -f are properly terminated and
aren’t followed by a character (e.g., of the file or file sys-
tem name) that might be taken as a parameter. For example,
use ‘‘--’’ after +f and -f as in these examples.
$ lsof +f -- /file/system/name
$ lsof -f -- /file/name
The listing of information from kernel file structures,